Monday, January 03, 2005

Singles Going Steady: Chantal Kreviazuk's "Surrounded"

Ross had an unhealthy fascination with his sisters, Frosty and Shallow. He was always saying things about them, like, how good looking they were, or that one of them had on some sexy outfit, or similar. It didn't seem to occur to him that this wasn't the sort of stuff one shares with one's girlfriend. Still, our relationship was new and exciting and fool in love that I was, I ignored all that.

Ross and Frosty shared an apartment. Ross's roommate F had recently moved out and Frosty's lease was up, so she moved in. She was still in school and rarely home, so I didn't find it unusual that we sometimes hung out in her room, since she had a TV with a VCR and a better stereo than Ross. In short, compared with Ross's musty, aquarium-funk smelling room, Frosty's was a welcome retreat. We'd listen to CDs. Have drinks. Watch movies. Frosty's bed was also way better, so I didn't mind when we started making out on her bed; we ended up going across the hall to have sex on his and that worked out just fine.

A few months into Frosty's stay, however, I noticed that Ross and I were spending an awful lot of time in her room. Way too much time. And he started playing some seriously ovary-heavy music while we were in there—music Frosty really liked. He was fixated on this one song in particular, Chantal Kreviazuk's "Surrounded," from her album Under These Rocks and Stones. He would play it on repeat, two, four, sometimes seven times in a row. Sure, I've liked songs to the point where I've played them to distraction (Ryan Adams's "Shadowlands" comes to mind), but this was fucking weird. Ross was in some kind of creepy reverie every time the song came on. More than a few times he mentioned how much Frosty liked the song. Then he started wanting to have sex in Frosty's bed. At first I was appalled at the thought. But Ross, he was a persistent fellow. He was all, "Come on, just this once?" And here's the part that creeps me out the most: In his sister's bed? He was a totally hot fuck! And what, was I supposed to give that up?

We kept at it for a while, being careful not to climb under her sheets, making sure we laid a blanket or towel over her duvet. But of course, we got lazy, and thanks to one particularly drunken, sex-filled Saturday night, Frosty busted us. Not, thankfully, in flagrante delicto, but because, well, because her room smelled like sex. And sister-friend hadn't had sex in well over a year. She knew right away what was going on. I wasn't there when she confronted Ross about it, but Ross and I started spending a lot less time at his apartment shortly thereafter.

Chantal Kreviazuk is a good singer-songwriter, but any chance for me to actually like her music has forever been ruined by the above incident. Too bad, too, because "Surrounded" is a fantastic song.

Chantal Kreviazuk, "Surrounded," from Under These Rocks and Stones, June 1997


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